Month: October 2012
“Learning to Serve” Gustavus Spring Break Program in Petatlán, México
Petatlán, México – March 30 – April 7, 2013 The Learning To Serve Spring Break Program in Petatlán has been an amazing experience for many Gustavus students. On the program, students go to Petatlán, México, where they work with the local community, stay as the guest of a Mexican family, and practice Spanish (no matter their current…
Introduction to East Asian Literatures class reads “Memoirs of a Geisha”
In Professor Lianying Shan’s First Term Seminar “Introduction to East Asian Literatures in English Translation,” students are studying Arthur Golden’s Memoirs of a Geisha. Students enjoy reading the story, but they are also raising important and challenging questions about the injustice of romanticizing women’s subjugation, as well about Western fantasies of the geisha.
Spanish section holds “tertulia” about Spain
On October 9, the Spanish section held the first tertulia about Spain. The word tertulia refers to a circle of people who gather together to discuss literature, art, politics, or another theme. Stephanie Glasser and Laura Fliceck discussed their experiences as students in Valencia, while Andrei Hahn talked about his university life in Alcalá de Henares. All…